15 Steps to the Virgin (four sculptures, sound), 2011
Pink Curtain, 2002
Blind Protection (two pieces), 2008/2009
Installation view: ILLUMInazioni – ILLUMInations, 54th Bienniale di Venezia, Venice, 04.06.2011 – 27.11.2011

15 Steps to the Virgin, 2011
Block 1: staircase subdivided into three segments: wood, mirror tiles (broken), Fomica, PVC, noise insulation mat (Visotech 2000), rope lights, cables,
electrical sockets
107 x 400 x 450 cm
Block 2: staircase subdivided into three segments: wood, mirrors, neon light tubes, metal grid, plywood, noise insulation mat (Visotech 2000), cables
118 x 501 x 372 cm
Block 3: staircase subdivided into four segments: mirror coated wood, black painted wood, screw threads, screw nuts
169,5 x 566 x 436 cm
Block 4: wood, silver PVC
167 x 131 x 222 cm
Sound 16 minutes, loop
Blind Protection, 2008
PVC tube, 32 fluorescent lights, electric cables, steel chain
approx. 195 x 35 cm in diameter, height variable
Pink Curtain, 2002
print on fabric
350 x 2.500 cm